
This article describes the procedures and requirements of .org domain names.
Click on the subject below to open the dropdown for more information.

Successful domain registration via RCP or XML API or REST API requires:


Tip: did you know that registry PIR also offers the following internationalized variants of .org

  • .орг (Cyrillic)
  • .机构 (Chinese)
  • .संगठन (Hindi)


If you receive "Name held in the dropzone" notification while trying to register a domain that means that by now registration is not possible.

Drop Zone - the area in which domain names fall after deletion.

After deletion, an .ORG domains are not immediately available for open registration, but for some time they are in the domain for remote domains to which only for a few of accredited .ORG registrars have access. The need to introduce an optimized registration mechanism in the Drop Zone is caused by a large number of domain name registrations for secondary use by our customers. Popular domains most often include domains with SEO indicators (PR, TIC), which can bring tangible advertising revenue to owners from the first day of registration. Drop Zone is available for the largest Registrars only at certain times of the day and is limited in time. When the opportunity became available, all the largest Registrars who know how to operate with this area try to submit the planned client domains for registration.

Check WHOIS for more information.

Successful domain transfer via RCP or XML API or REST API requires:

  • Authorisation code
  • Two or more nameservers or a nameserver group (maximum of 5 nameservers)
  • Registrant e-mail address verification applies

During the transfer period which can take 6 days, the current provider or the owner can reject to the transfer.

The registration period after a successful transfer will extend with 1 year, unless the transfer is ordered within the domain's auto-renew grace period at the previous registrar.

Problems transferring your domain?
Please take a look at this extended article for possible solutions.

Authorization code required yes
Method of confirmation authcode,email
Registration period after transfer extends
Average transfer time Max. 6 days
Advanced and simple transfers available Contact our Sales department to check if easy transfer of 100 or more .org domains is available.

Owner change (trade)

  • requested as a normal domain update via RCP or XML API or REST API
  • processed realtime
  • both previous and new registrant will receive an e-mail. This is a notification only, no action is required.
  • registrant e-mail address verification applies

Other update


ERROR : Parameter value syntax error; VoiceType:number:
This error is related to the phone number / format, which is invalid.
Please check and re-enter the same.


If as part of the update the domain owner’s e-mail address changes, we’re obliged to start a contact verification process if this new e-mail address was not verified before.


Explicit delete

In case the domain expires (not renewed in time);

Restore / reactivate

  • restore / reactivation supported via RCP or XML API or REST API 
  • quarantine periods can be found under
    Detailed extension information > Technical information > Quarantine period
  • After quarantine, 5 days PendingDelete period (restore not possible)
Domain lifecycle
Technical information
  • DNSSEC support: yes
  • Minimum length: 3 characters
  • Maximum length: 63 characters
  • Allowed characters: a-z 0-9 -
  • IDN: Yes, see supported languages
  • Registration period: 1-10 years
  • Renewal date offset: 0 days
    The number of days before the registry's expiration date, that Openprovider requires the domain to be renewed or expired. More info.
    Note that the dates as shown in your Openprovider account are always leading, even if they do not match the renewal date offset mentioned here.
  • Soft quarantine period: 40 days
    During this period, following after an expiration, the domain can be restored for free. This period does not apply if the domain is deleted explicitly. More info.
  • Quarantine period: 0 days
    During this period, an expired or deleted domain name can be reactivated at an additional fee.
  • Local presence required? no
  • Does Openprovider provide local presence services? no
  • Local activity required? no
  • Correct nameserver configuration required?
  • The Domain(s) can be registered without further limitations.
  • All policies on the registry's website
  • Premium policy: no premiums supported
Registration agreement The registry requires that a registration agreement is in place between the provider and the domain holder. The text of this registration agreement and any required supplements is the following:


Due to the regular changes in registry rules and configuration or missing information from registry side, and despite our effort to keep our knowledge base up-to-date, information in the knowledge base may be outdated or incorrect. If you encounter some issue, please report it through the "HotJar" feedback collector on the bottom right, or (if it is blocked by your browser) by clicking the "Submit a request" link below. No rights can be derived from the information in this knowledge base. If there is discrepancy between the knowledge base and the process in Openprovider, the process in Openprovider is leading.

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