Is "www" automatically included in my SSL order?


Would the certificate for "" protect "" (and vice versa)?
Would "" protect "" as well?


Single Domain Certificate: When requesting a certificate in the SSL panel, there is a dedicated checkbox that allows selecting if you wish to request the certificate for both variants - with and without WWW. By default, both variants will be requested (checkbox will be selected). If you wish to receive the certificate just for a specified domain name, e.g. (without WWW), please uncheck it.


Note: when you request both variants, the validation method can only be changed for the main domain. In case of using DNS or EMAIL validation methods only the main domain is validated, the free SAN is not validated although the method will be visible next to it in SSL panel. If you choose HTTP (file-based validation) then both hostnames must be validated - relevant instruction is provided in SSL panel.



* if you do not see this checkbox yet, please clear your cache / cookies for from the browser, to make sure the latest release of the ssl panel is shown.


Important for Openprovider API users:
When requesting a certificate using our API, if you wish to request a certificate for a domain with WWW and without WWW, you have to specify host names and domain validation methods for both variants.

Multidomain Certificate: No, you must add both www and non-www domains which you want to secure in the list of domains (SAN domains).

Wildcard Certificate: In case you add a wildcard (* in the multidomain order, the www. is considered a subdomain so this is covered by the wildcard domain. Check this article how to order a wildcard in a multidomain ssl.

Certificate renewals: When processing a renewal request, the Openprovider system will first check which variants where initially issued for the particular domain; with WWW and without WWW variant or with just one. If you received first certificate with both, then the renewed certificate will include WWW and non-WWW domain. 

If you received the certificate with just one variant but need both, you can always reissue it in SSL Panel with the above checkbox selected. 


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