This is a series of articles dedicated to demonstrating how to get acquainted with Openprovider SSL API methods. If you want to go the beginning of this guide, please navigate to the article "1 How to choose a product".
To get more information about our API in general, please use our documentation portal as your reference.
You can retrieve a full list of certificates you have in a system, either active or not, that have specific handle assigned or (and) by name pattern.
To get orders statuses updates immediately we would recommend you to use our webhook system.
Please check input values below.
GET {base_url}/ssl/orders
Name |
Type |
Values |
Description |
limit | integer | Min 0, Max 1000. | A number of records that will be returned in the output. |
offset | integer | Min 0, Max ♾️. | The argument is used to identify the starting point to return records. |
order_by.[parameter] parameter: - common_name - order_date - status - active_date - expiration_date - product_name |
string | asc/desc | Sorting order. |
common_name_pattern | string | domain name pattern | The pattern of domain common name. |
status | string | ACT, PAI, REQ, REJ, FAI, EXP | Current order status. |
contact_handle | string | One of the resellers handles (contacts). | Openprovider contact of the person assigned to an order (e.g. XY123456-ZW). |
curl -X GET \
'' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ae460da9a7069714b32e29231a6a392c' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
"code": 0,
"data": {
"results": [
"active_date": "2019-01-01 00:00:01",
"additional_data": [
"dns_record": "",
"dns_value": "0453ff12343c6d5e24466832668aa13658e5893c917b9486d7c59a57270
"domain": "",
"file_contents": "0453ff12343c6d5e24466832668aa13658e5893c917b9486d7c59a5
"file_location": "
"md5": "73d01a1232214f96ebf08d6f9d0af6f9",
"sha1": "0453ff12343c6d5e24466832668aa13658e5893c917b9486d7c59a5727074c9c",
"sha256": "0453ff12343c6d5e24466832668aa13658e5893c917b9486d7c59a5727074c9
"administrative_handle": "IA900531-NL",
"autorenew": "off",
"billing_handle": "IA900531-NL",
"brand_name": "RapidSSL",
"certificate": "",
"common_name": "",
"domain_validation_methods": [
"host_name": "",
"method": "email"
"domain_validation_statuses": {
"ca_operation": "request",
"ca_order_status": "in_progress",
"ca_status": "requested",
"status": "open"
"email_approver": "",
"email_reissue": "",
"expiration_date": "2020-01-01 00:00:01",
"features": "",
"host_names": [
"id": 1306772,
"intermediate_certificate": "",
"options": {
"features": ""
"order_date": "2019-01-01 00:00:01",
"organization_handle": "TH000001-NL",
"period": 1,
"product_id": 5,
"product_name": "RapidSSL",
"root_certificate": "",
"software": "linux",
"sslinhva_order_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
"status": "REQ",
"technical_handle": "IA900531-NL",
"validation_method": "domain",
"vendor_order_id": 123456789,
"vendor_reference_id": 123456789
"total": 10
"desc": ""
Name |
Values |
Description |
code |
Result code number. |
API Result with code returned. |
1. data |
SSL Orders list data. | Returns results with all required data. |
1.1 results | An array of results. | Returns order(s) data. |
1.1.1 active data |
Date value with date stamp. | Date of order creation. |
1.1.2 additional data | Array with additional data. | Useful information with validation values that should be added, file locations, etc. | dns_record | DNS record. | DNS record should be added to host. | dns_value | DNS values. | DNS values that should be added to host to process validation (e.g. random text string). | domain | Domain name as a string. | Domain hostname with what certificate is assigned with. | file_contents | File contents as a string. | File contents that should be added to the host (an e.g. random string of text). | file_location | File location as a string. | Indicates a location where the file should be added into an existing host. | md5 | MD5 checksum. | Order MD5 checksum. | sha1 | SHA1 checksum. | Order SHA1 checksum. | sha256 | SHA256 checksum. | Order SHA256 checksum. |
1.1.2 administrative_handle | Openprovider handle. | Administrative handle. |
1.1.3 autorenew | "On" or "Off" | If autorenew is enabled or not. |
1.1.4 billing_handle | Openprovider billing handle. | Openprovider handle. |
1.1.5 brand_name | Certificate brand name (manufacturer). | Manufacturer string (e.g. Comodo or Symantec). |
1.1.6 certificate | Certificate value (string). | Value of certificate. |
1.1.7 common_name | Domain common name. | Domain value (e.g. |
1.1.8 csr | CSR value. | CSR value returned. |
1.2 domain_validation_methods | An array of SSL Order Domain Validation Methods | |
1.2.1 host_name | Domain name. | The hostname of the domain in Openprovider order. |
1.2.2 method | Validation method value. | Validation method value (e.g. "https"). |
1.3 domain_validation_statuses | Set of values returned. | Set of values related to the validation status of your order. |
1.3.1 ca_operation | Returns operation performed in CA. (e.g. "request"). |
1.3.2 ca_order_status | Certificate Authority order status. | Current order status (e.g. "in_progress"). |
1.3.3 ca_status | Certificate Authority order operation status. |
Current status of order operation processing inside CA. |
1.3.4 status | The string value of current status. | Current order status (closed or open). |
1.4 email_approver |
Email address value. | Email value of approver email. |
1.5 email_reissue | Email address value. | Email value of email reissue approver. |
1.6 expiration_date | Date of order expiration. | Certificate expiration date (date stamp format). |
1.7 features | Product features. | Indicates product features (if presented). |
1.8 host_names | An array of strings. | Host names. |
1.9 id | Numberic value or Openprovider order ID. | E.g. 1306772. |
1.10 intermediate_certificate | Intermediate certificate value as a string. | An intermediate certificate is a certificate that used between the root and end-user certificate. |
1.11 options | SSL Order options. | |
1.11.1 features | Features of the certificate. | The certificate features an optional parameter (if presented). |
1.12 order_date | Date of order creation. | Indicates timestamp when the order was created. |
1.13 organization_handle | Contact (handle) value from the reseller account. | Openprovider internal technical contact (handle). |
1.14 period | Period of a lifetime in years. | 1 or 2 years. |
1.15 product_id | Openprovider product ID. | Indicates the product ID used. |
1.16 product_name | SSL Product name. | Product name (e.g. RapidSSL). |
1.17 root_certificate | Root certificate string. | Value of root certificate as a string. |
1.18 software | Windows or Linux. | Software used for server: e.g. Windows or Linux. |
1.19 sslinhva_order_id | Internal Openprovider value. | Internal system Openprovider value of order. |
1.20 status | ACT, PAI, REQ, REJ, FAI, EXP |
Current order status. |
1.21 technical_handle | Openprovider internal technical handle (contact). | Handle (contact) internal system value (e.g. "e.g. XY123456-ZW"). |
1.22 validation_method | Value as a string. | Validation method (e.g. "domain"). |
1.23 vendor_order_id | Numeric value of internal order ID. | Internal vendor order ID (e.g. "123456789"). |
1.24 vendor_reference_id | Numeric value of interbal vendor ID. | Internal vendor order ID (e.g. "123456789"). |
2. total | Numeric value of total results stored in system. | Numeric value returned. |
desc | Description value as a string. | Description text returned (if presented). |
maintenance | True or False. | The maintenance: True or False. |
warnings | An array of warning messages. | An array of boolean and string data returned if Openprovider is under maintenance mode. |
2.1 code | Code digits. | Code value (digits). |
2.2 data | Data values. | Data value returned. |
2.3 desc | Description value. | Description value returned. |
After we returned SSL Orders with details we can also check a single exact order you want.
The next method we would be referring to is "6 Updating SSL Order" - that will help us to change some details of not yet active order.