This is a series of articles dedicated to demonstrating how to get acquainted with Openprovider SSL API methods. If you want to go to the beginning of this guide, please navigate to the article "1 How to choose a product".
To get more information about our API in general, please use our documentation portal as your reference.
Certificate reissue is the process of exchanging a certificate with different data. The most common case is when you need to change CSR data and get a certificate for a new CSR.
The parameters needed to start reissue are described below.
Use endpoint path below. Base URL is determined by both the target environment and API version.
POST {base_url}/ssl/orders/{id}/reissue
Name |
Type |
Values |
Description |
id | integer | numeric value | Mandatory field. Openprovider order ID. |
approver_email | string | Email address. |
Valid email address. |
csr | string | CSR value. | Mandatory field. Certificate signing request including information regarding the further certificate. Been already generated before. |
1. domain_validation_methods | array | SSL Order reissue validation methods. | The domain validation methods (e.g. domain). |
1.1 host_name | string | Hostname. | Hostname returned (e.g. ""). |
1.2 method | string | Validation method of SSL Certificate. | Current validation method (e.g. "https"). |
host_names | array | An array of string. |
Array of string |
organization_handle | string | String value | Openprovider organization handle. |
signature_hash_algorithm | string | sha1 (deprecated) or sha2 (default) | The signature hash algorithm required. Deprecated. "sha2" will be used by default. |
software_id | string | Linux or Windows. | A software platform used for installation. |
"approver_email": "",
"csr": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----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\n4eJiaV7IwubPS78=\n-----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----",
"domain_validation_methods": [
"host_name": "",
"method": "dns"
"id": 1,
"organization_handle": "IA900531-NL",
"signature_hash_algorithm": "sha2",
"software_id": "linux"
"code": 0,
"data": {
"id": 1
"desc": ""
Name |
Values |
Description |
code |
numeric |
API Result with code returned. |
data |
An array of elements | Allowed addresses. |
desc |
Description text (if presented). | Description (if presented). |
maintenance |
Boolean parameter: True or False. | Indicates if Openprovider is under maintenance mode. |
1. warnings |
An array of warning messages | Warning data returned after the request processed. |
1.1 code |
Numeric code if warning(s) detected. | Code value (digits). |
1.2 data |
Warning data values. | Data value returned. |
1.3 desc |
Description of warnings. | The description value returned. |
We submitted a reissue request and it again has status REQ. When the reissue process is finished the status of the certificate will be ACT. Let us prolong our certificate lifetime using: "10 Renewing SSL Certificate".