What is Spam Experts extension for Plesk & How SE extension for Plesk works?

1. What is Spam Experts extension for Plesk?

It's an add-on for Plesk that allows you to create and manage Spam Experts' filters directly from the Plesk web interface.


2. How Spam Experts extension for Plesk works?

Purchasing a Plesk extension allows enabling a limited amount of various Spam Experts' services:

  • Incoming email filtering
  • Outgoing email filtering
  • Email Archiving

The extension doesn't come with spam filters by default, only provides means to enable them. Filters must be purchased separately.

Filters can be purchased from Plesk directly or from other Spam expert distributors, like Openprovider.

The extension can be configured to work with a Spam Experts provider of one's choosing.

Instructions to configure extension for use with Openprovider

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