This article describes the procedures and requirements of .pt domain names.
Click on the subject below to open the dropdown for more information.
Successful domain registration via RCP or XML API or REST API requires:
- domain's contact handles (owner, administrative, etc.)
- Please note the first name and last name can't be a single letter. Please ensure to add full names as per identity documents. Eg. for "John Doe", the registry will not accept "J. Doe" or "John D." The full name must be entered.
- owner handle requires additional data
- individuals - Tax number
- company - VAT number
- two or more nameservers or a nameserver group (nameservers should be preconfigured)
Get acquainted with the name policy (Article 10) while registering name (non-compliant domains are deleted with no refunds).
Compliance of a domain name / proof request
1. After registration of a domain name, within 10 days and following a sampling process, the .PT may take the steps it deems applicable to verify a domain name's compliance with the provisions of article 6, as well as to assess the accuracy of the identification data of those responsible for it.
2. The .PT may request the registrant and the managing body/registrar (Openprovider - if the domain was registered through us) to provide, within 2 days, proof of compliance with the provisions of these Rules. The request from registry will be forwarded to the reseller and the reseller or registrant should provide proof of compliance within 2 days, directly to the PT registry (emailaddress and instructions will be communicated in the email from the registry.)
3. If, following verification pursuant to the preceding paragraphs, the .PT concludes that a domain name is in breach of these Rules, it shall immediately remove it and shall notify the corresponding registrant and managing body/registrar, with a complete statement of the grounds for its removal decision.
For more details, please refer to: .PT registration rules (Article 8)
Due special requirements with .pt registry, we must set ourselves (Openprovider) as Admin / Tech Contact in order to provide proactive support.
The Registry does not accept the creation of a new contact handle with a pre-existing VAT number, as it is a unique identifier.
Do not clone handles with a existing VAT number while registering .pt domains as registry does not allow to create individual handles for such scenario
After registration, the owner and technical contact will receive 2 emails:
- Information about the domain status
- Information about the assignment of the contacts to the domain name.
The second contains all registration data. If the holder isn't assigned to another domain, then "NicHandle" from the document is required for future owner changes.
Note on identification data
- If the ID is in use with an existing contact, the registry will use existing contact rather than any new contact that you are creating.
- If a company is trading under different names, but with the same identification number as a result, the contacts always collide and the name cannot easily be registered on the right data. Contact in such cases.
- ID/VAT must always correspond to the country where the company/person is registered ("X" country VAT cannot be associated with a contact with a "Y" country address, country and VAT must belong to the same country).
- Invalidated holder gets email with the subject "Rectification of domain owner contact".
- If the documentation for owner update is not resent within 48 hours, the registry deletes the domain.
Successful domain transfer via RCP or XML API or REST API requires the following information:
- authorization code (validity: 8-30 days)
- domain's contact handles (owner, administrative, etc.)
- two or more nameservers or a nameserver group
If the current registrar can not provide an auth code, request it from the registry.
Note :
The transfer will not initiate an owner change.
You need to transfer the domain using the handle which matches exactly with the current owner.
Authorization code required | yes |
Method of confirmation | authcode |
Registration period after transfer | unchanged |
Average transfer time | Realtime |
Advanced and simple transfers available | Contact our Sales department to check if easy transfer of 100 or more .pt domains is available. |
- External authorization code request - via RCP (Reseller Control Panel) or XML API or REST API
Owner change (trade)
The process of how to initiate a .pt trade is given in this article.
Other update
- requested via RCP or XML API or REST API
- nameservers should be preconfigured
- administrative / technical contact is always the registrar - cannot be updated (See Registration Section).
- set auto-renewal to OFF
- domain will expire at its expiration date.
- to explicitly delete a domain, send a request via RCP or XML API or REST API.
Domain owner will get an email about this request and will have 8 days to decline it.
If the domain owner declines the deletion request, the domain will remain active in one's account.
Restore / reactivate
Registry |
Technical information |
Restrictions |
Policies |
Registration agreement |
The registry requires that a registration agreement is in place between the provider and the domain holder. The text of this registration agreement and any required supplements is the following: |
Due to the regular changes in registry rules and configuration or missing information from registry side, and despite our effort to keep our knowledge base up-to-date, information in the knowledge base may be outdated or incorrect. If you encounter some issue, please report it through the "HotJar" feedback collector on the bottom right, or (if it is blocked by your browser) by clicking the "Submit a request" link below. No rights can be derived from the information in this knowledge base. If there is discrepancy between the knowledge base and the process in Openprovider, the process in Openprovider is leading.