
This article describes the procedures and requirements of .org.il domain names.
Click on the subject below to open the dropdown for more information.

If the registrant is an organization or company the legal form in the contact handle of the owner has to be stated.
The relevant suffix such as "Ltd" (or "Inc". "GMBH" etc.) should be ‎specified.
- Transfer can be intiated in the control panel.
Once the transfer has been intiated the registry will generate a form which needs to be signed by the domain owner. Once the form has been received by the registry the transfer will take 5.0 days to complete.

The registrant contact information has to exactly match the owner in Whois.

If the registrant is an organization or company the legal form in the contact handle of the owner has to be stated. the relevant suffix such as "Ltd" (or "Inc". "GMBH" etc.) should be ‎specified.
Authorization code required no
Method of confirmation
Registration period after transfer
Average transfer time
Advanced and simple transfers available Contact our Sales department to check if easy transfer of 100 or more .org.il domains is available.

Owner change (trade)

A owner change has to be manually requested by the support department.
Please send a request to support@openprovider.nl.
Containing the handle of the new domain owner.

We will start the trade and send you the form we generate at the registry to complete the trade.

Other update

DNS update is immediate, but please note they must propagate through the network, this process can take up to 6-12 hours to complete, until then the domain will still point to the previous DNS servers.


There is no explicit "DeleteDomain" command.
We can only let the domain expire if you no longer want it.
Just set the domain to autorenew off and will take care of the rest.

Restore / reactivate

Domain lifecycle
Technical information
  • DNSSEC support: no
  • Registration period:
  • Renewal date offset: 15 days
    The number of days before the registry's expiration date, that Openprovider requires the domain to be renewed or expired. More info.
    Note that the dates as shown in your Openprovider account are always leading, even if they do not match the renewal date offset mentioned here.
  • Soft quarantine period: n/a days
    During this period, following after an expiration, the domain can be restored for free. This period does not apply if the domain is deleted explicitly. More info.
  • Quarantine period: 0 days
    During this period, an expired or deleted domain name can be reactivated at an additional fee.
  • Local presence required?
  • Does Openprovider provide local presence services?
  • Local activity required?
  • Correct nameserver configuration required?
  • If the registrant is an organization or company the legal form in the contact handle of the owner has to be stated.
  • The relevant suffix such as "Ltd" (or "Inc". "GMBH" etc.) should be ‎specified.
Registration agreement The registry requires that a registration agreement is in place between the provider and the domain holder. The text of this registration agreement and any required supplements is the following:

Due to the regular changes in registry rules and configuration or missing information from registry side, and despite our effort to keep our knowledge base up-to-date, information in the knowledge base may be outdated or incorrect. If you encounter some issue, please report it through the "HotJar" feedback collector on the bottom right, or (if it is blocked by your browser) by clicking the "Submit a request" link below. No rights can be derived from the information in this knowledge base. If there is discrepancy between the knowledge base and the process in Openprovider, the process in Openprovider is leading.

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