Why a payment is not yet processed


Why is the payment not yet processed?


Online payment: The most common cause of an online payment not being processed is due to the payment not being finalized entirely. If an error occurs because iDeal is not available or the browser is closed too soon, the payment will not be sent to our account and your balance will not be increased.

Bank transfer: A bank transfer can take several days to complete. If some days have passed, please check the following things;

  • Has the payment in then control panel been added to the list of payments?
  • Was the correct description (payment reference ID) and exact amount used with the bank transfer?

In case the description (payment reference ID) and exact amount are not used in the actual payment, the payment processor will automatically reject the payment and sent the payment back to the bankaccount. We can not manually adjust wrong payment as this is an automated process.
The payment processor returns the payments in batches, so this can take up to 10 business days.
Do not add any additional information in the payment reference field, besides from the payment reference ID. In case you add any additional text (company name or internal PO number etc) the payment will be rejected!

In case the payment is not processed after 10 business days, but all steps are taken correctly, please contact the support department and include a screenshot or copy of your bank transfer and a signed letter from their bank claiming they have not received the funds back in order to further investigate.


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