When does Openprovider send invoices for services?


When are the invoices sent? Do the invoices have to be paid for?


The invoice will be generated and send at the beginning of the month, containing the transactions that have been done in the prior month.

As an example, if a transfer is initiated on the 28th of January and it is finished on the 2nd of February the transaction will be placed on the the 2nd of February. The invoice containing this domain transfer is sent in the beginning of March.

If no products are bought during a month, the invoice will not be sent.

Since Openprovider works on a pre-paid basis, the payment for the products have already been processed from the account balance. The invoice is for ones own financial administration only.
The deposit is not reflected on the monthly invoice. Click here for more explanation.

Need some advise how to process this in your accounting? Click here!

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