FAQ: Aftermarket domain purchases

As you may know, resellers can buy Aftermarket domains through Openprovider. Here you have some FAQs related with the product:

  • From which Aftermarket platforms can I buy domains from Openprovider?

Right now you can buy domains from SedoMLS and Afternic.

  • Difference between an Aftermarket purchase and a “normal” domain registration?

Domains in Aftermarket are domains currently active but in sale by its registrants. That’s why when someone registers an Aftermarket domain, a registrar transfer is executed from the loosing registrar to Openprovider.

  • How can our resellers buy domains from Aftermarket?

    • Openprovider main website (openprovider.com)
    • RCP New Domain Checker
    • API
      • Check Domain Request (specifying “sedo” or "afternic" as the provider)
      • Create Domain Request (specifying “sedo” or "afternic" as the provider)


  • How can a reseller register an Aftermarket domain using the API?

    The same CheckDomain requests and CreateDomain requests will work, but you have to specify the aftermarket platform as a provider ("sedo" or "afternic").

    An example is:


        "domain": {

            "name": " openprovidersedo",

            "extension": "com"


        "provider" : "sedo",



  • SEDO or Afternic domain is not appearing in RCP New domain checker search

    We are only displaying the result if the domain searched is an exact match with a domain listed in an aftermarket platform, so name + TLD must be specified.

    Remember: we are not supporting all domains listed in an aftermarket platform, check What kind of aftermarket domains can be bought through Openprovider?

  • What kind of aftermarket domains can be bought through Openprovider?

    Not all domains from Aftermarket can be bought in Openprovider. You can currently buy domains that can be bought right away with a fixed price. (not in auction)

  • How long does it take for the domain to be in the reseller account after purchasing an Aftermarket domain?

    As this is a domain transfer, could take up to 10 days to appear as active in the reseller account. During the transfer, you can see the domain in the Domain Overview section in RCP.

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