Registry : Nigeria Internet Registration Association
Registry URL :
Registry WHOIS :
Registry Web-based WHOIS :
Registry Policy :
Registry Zonefile updates : 5 - 10 days
DNSSEC Support : No
Registration Period : 1 year
Renewal date offset : 35 days
Local Presence Required : No
Auth Code Required : Yes
What happens to registration period after transfer : Restarts
Maximum Transfer Time : 4-7 days
Requirements & Restrictions
- Minimum length: 3 characters
- Maximum length: 63 characters
- Allowed characters: a-z 0-9 -
- IDN characters: no
- The is a restricted second level domain (SLD) and can only be registered by tertiary academic institutions as approved and accredited by the relevant authorities like the Nigerian Universities Commission (NUC), National Board for Technical Education (NBTE), NCCE and other body as recognized by the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Registrants of SLD are required to be approved and accredited Degree Awarding Tertiary Institutions.
For registering a domain, a client / reseller needs tp send the following documents as these documents are required by NIRA for verification purposes.
Once the documents are verified by NIRA, the domain will be automatically activated.
Requirements for Registration :
1. Authorisation letter from the institution.
2. Accreditation document from any governing body regulating the institution.
Details of all the SLD's offered by NIRA can be found on the following link:
Process is manual, via Openprovider support.
Domain updates
via RCP or API
Nameserver updates - via RCP and API. Not real-time.
Process is manual, can take up to a few business days, depending on public holidays or weekends.
NB: Error message like Domain update failed: E0102, Domain could not be updated., Identical task is already being processed
means previous update is not finished yet
via RCP or API
Process is manual, via Openprovider support. Restore possibility is determined on case-by-case basis