This is a series of articles dedicated to demonstrating how to get acquainted with Openprovider Domains API methods. To get more information about our API in general, please use our documentation portal as your reference.
If you need to modify contact data of the domain or the nameservers as well as to set or remove a transfer lock or special parameters associated with the domain, you should utilise Update Domain method of the API.
Use endpoint path below. Base URL is determined by both the target environment and API version.
PUT {base_url}/domains/{id}
Name | Type | Description |
domain | string | Optional. |
auth_code | varchar | Optional. |
owner_handle | varchar | Optional. |
admin_handle | varchar | Optional. |
tech_handle | varchar | Optional. |
billing_handle | varchar | Optional. |
reseller_handle | varchar | Optional. |
ns_group | string | Optional. |
ns_template_name | string | Optional. Name of the template to use to automatically create DNS zone for the domain; only applicable if nsGroup is dns-openprovider |
ns_template_id | integer | Optional. |
name_servers | dot separated integer | Required only if nsGroup field is empty |
autorenew | custom | on | off | default |
is_dnssec_enabled | boolean | 0 (default) or 1 - Only accepted when nameservers of Openprovider are used |
dnssec_keys | varchar | when using your own nameservers |
use_domicile | boolean | 0 or 1 |
accept_premium_fee | int or double | Required in case when domain is premium, value is the price returned in the response for createDomainRequest without acceptPremiumFee |
is_private_whois_enabled | boolean | default value is 0 |
is_locked | boolean | default value is 0 |
NB The owner, admin and tech handles can be retrieved via the customers endpoint and will be the registered contacts for this domain.
curl -X PUT \
'' \
-H 'Accept: */*' \
-H 'Authorization: ,Bearer 2f4c1c3a9******15d22b378a64' \
-H 'Connection: keep-alive' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"admin_handle": "XX123456-XX",
"auth_code": "2FIXQ63NCQNT",
"autorenew": "default",
"comments": "Any comments go",
"domain": {
"extension": "com",
"name": "domain",
"is_locked": true,
"is_private_whois_enabled": false,
"is_spamexperts_enabled": true,
"ns_template_name": "Default",
"owner_handle": "XX123456-XX",
"reseller_handle": "XX123456-XX",
"data": {
"id": 11195838,
"status": "ACT"