This is a series of articles dedicated to managing customer objects via Openprovider API.
This is a second article in a series in which we are going to cover customer handle search. To get more information about our API in general, please use our documentation portal as your reference.
Searching for a handle
Use the endpoint path below. Base URL is determined by both the target environment and the API version.
GET {base_url}/customer
Our API has two methods that can return information about an existing customer object. The first one that we are going to cover is a method that returns a list of customer objects matching particular search criteria.
Name | Type | Description |
handle_pattern | string | Full or partial handle name. Wildcard (*) can be used. |
email_pattern | string | Full or partial email address. Wildcard (*) can be used. |
first_name_pattern | string | Full or partial first name. Wildcard (*) can be used. |
last_name_pattern | string | Full or partial last name. Wildcard (*) can be used. |
company_name_pattern | string | Full or partial company name. Wildcard (*) can be used. |
comment_pattern | string | Full or partial comment value. Wildcard (*) can be used. |
with_additional_data | boolean | Accepted values ‘true’ or ‘false’ - default value ‘false’ |
limit | integer | default value: 100, maximum value: 1000 |
offset | integer | default value: 0 |
curl -X GET \
'' \
-H 'Authorization: ,Bearer 2831a37fb8*******90b5aac822' \
"code": 0,
"desc": "",
"data": {
"results": [
"id": 123456789,
"company_name": "Example company",
"name": {
"first_name": "Test",
"last_name": "Person",
"full_name": "Test Person"
"phone": {
"country_code": "+03",
"area_code": "111",
"subscriber_number": "123456"
"address": {
"street": "Test street",
"number": "123",
"zipcode": "1235 XX",
"city": "Rotterdam",
"country": "NL",
"state": "Test province"
"email": "test@mail.tld",
"handle": "XX123456-XX",
"reseller_id": 12345,
"locale": "en_001",
"deleted_at": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
"is_deleted": false,
"email_verification_status": "ACT"
"total": 1
Name | Type | Description |
handle | varchar | Customer unique identifier or handle |
company_name | ||
vat | ||
name | ||
address | ||
phone | ||
fax | ||
additional_data | if withAdditionalData = true | |
extension_additional_data | if withAdditionalData = true |
Retrieving a handle
Once we know that a particular user handle exists, we can retrieve its data by calling Get Customer:
Use the endpoint path below. Base URL is determined by both the target environment and the API version.
GET {base_url}/customer/{handle}
Name | Type | Description |
handle | string | Customer unique handle |
with_additional_data | string | Accepted values ‘true’ or ‘false’ - default value ‘false’ |
curl -X GET \
'' \
-H 'Authorization: ,Bearer 2831a37fb8*******90b5aac822' \
"code": 0,
"desc": "",
"data": {
"additional_data": {
"birth_address": "test street 45",
"birth_city": "Test city",
"birth_country": "NL",
"birth_date": "1970-01-01",
"birth_state": "Testprovince",
"birth_zipcode": "0123",
"cif_nif_number": "",
"company_registration_city": "Testcity",
"company_registration_number": "12345678",
"company_registration_subscription_date": "2000-01-01",
"cost_category": "",
"cost_center": "",
"headquarters_address": "Test street 5",
"headquarters_city": "Testcity",
"headquarters_country": "NL",
"headquarters_state": "Testprovince",
"headquarters_zipcode": "0123",
"internal_reference": "",
"passport_number": "0123456",
"project_code": "",
"purchase_order_number": "",
"social_security_number": "6543210"
"address": {
"city": "Test city",
"country": "NL",
"number": "1",
"state": "Testprovince",
"street": "Test street",
"suffix": "A",
"zipcode": "0123"
"comments": "some comment here",
"comments_last_changed_at": "2014-05-08 19:04:11",
"company_name": "Example company",
"deleted_at": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
"email": "test@mail.tld",
"email_verification_status": "ACT",
"extension_additional_data": [
"data": {
"admin_type": "1",
"applicant_purpose": "P3",
"birth_date": "1970-01-01",
"company_name_cyrillic": "Example company",
"company_name_latin": "Example company",
"company_registration_number": "XX123456789X11",
"contact_title": "CEO",
"ens_auth_id": "",
"ens_key": "",
"first_name_cyrillic": "Test",
"first_name_latin": "Test",
"hr_member": "",
"industry_class": "19",
"is_private_enterpreneur": "",
"last_name_cyrillic": "Person",
"last_name_latin": "Person",
"legal_address_cyrillic": "13245 Country, City, street, 2",
"middle_name_cyrillic": "Nikolaevich",
"middle_name_latin": "Nikolaevich",
"mobile_phone_number": "+7 (123) 456-78-90",
"nexus_category": "C31",
"org_type": "1",
"passport_issue_date": "2009-01-11",
"passport_issuer": "Issuer name",
"passport_number": "12345678",
"passport_series": "1234",
"postal_address_cyrillic": "12345 Country, City, street, 1",
"social_security_number": "X123455123X",
"tax_payer_number": "1345678",
"uin": "12345-6",
"user_type": "Individual",
"vat": "12345678",
"website": "",
"whois_email": "test@mail.tld"
"name": "ru"
"fax": {
"area_code": "001",
"country_code": "+01",
"subscriber_number": "123456"
"gender": "M",
"handle": "XX123456-XX",
"id": 5349,
"inn": "123456789",
"is_deleted": false,
"locale": "nl_NL",
"name": {
"first_name": "Test",
"full_name": "Test Person",
"initials": "T P",
"last_name": "Person",
"prefix": "van der"
"phone": {
"area_code": "10",
"country_code": "+01",
"subscriber_number": "123456"
"reseller_id": 5349,
"tags": [
"key": "customer",
"value": "VIP"
"vat": "XX123456789X11"
"desc": ""