5 Zones API: Templates

To get more information about our API in general, please use our documentation portal as your reference.

Templates are reusable groups of DNS records that can be applied to any of your zones. They can facilitate the entry of DNS records and reduce possible mistakes like typos and other errors.

You can create DNS templates to store sets of DNS information that you can easily apply to domain zones during their creation. This saves time by automatically configuring domain names' DNS, instead of manual entering the settings for each domain name.

NB Currently, DNS templated can only be applied during the creation of a zone. It's impossible to reapply a template after the fact. In order to change a zone's template delete the zone first and then recreate with a desired template.

Entering Geo Fence iconUse endpoint path below. Base URL is determined by both the target environment and API version.
GET {base_url}/dns/templates/


Name Type Description
name_pattern string Required. name of a zone (domain name)
limit integer Optional.
offset string Optional.
with_records boolean Optional. 
order string Orders output ASC or DESC


curl -X GET \
'https://api.openprovider.eu/v1beta/dns/templates?with_records=1&name_pattern=demoTemplate' \
-H 'Authorization: ,Bearer 2831a37fb8*******90b5aac822' \


"code": 0,
"data": {
"results": [
"id": 27261,
"is_spamexperts_enabled": false,
"name": "demoTemplate",
"records": [
"id": 67377,
"name": "ns1.domain.com",
"prio": 10,
"ttl": 86400,
"type": "MX",
"value": "ghs.google.com"
"total": 20
"desc": ""


Name Type Description
id integer DNS template id
is_spamexperts_enabled  boolean  
Openprovider API also supports template modification and deletion. You can find descriptions of those methods in Openprovider API specification.

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