Customize renewal / expiration reminder e-mails to end users (ERRP)

For a more visual explanation and deeper info about e-mail customization or "white labeling", our blog post is a must-read!

For many extensions, Openprovider is required to send expiration / renewal reminders to the domain holder as long as the domain has not yet been renewed:

  • the first one around 30 days before the domain's expiration date
  • the second one around 7 days before the domain's expiration date
  • the last one after expiration of the domain

ICANN requires us to do so for all gTLDs (like .com, .info, .shop and .amsterdam). Those e-mails are called "ERRP", which stands for "Expired Registration Recovery Policy".

The white label tools of Openprovider allow you to personalize these e-mails. You can customize the lay-out and send them from your own e-mail address. This is done via the reseller control panel, page Account > Settings > ERRP branding. The following elements can be customized:

  • Subject of the e-mail. You can write it in your own language, make it less formal, or any other change. You can add the domain name in it by using the variable %%domainName%%. An example might be: "Notification about domain renewal for %%domainName%%"
  • From address. Use your support department's e-mail address here, for example. Any valid e-mail address is allowed.
  • Reseller name. If you do not want to use your own reseller name, provide here another name.
  • E-mail body. You are completely free in styling your e-mail. The only requirement is that there you must include the variable %%expirationDate%% in the e-mail - this will be replaced by the domain's expiration date. Optional variables that you can use are the resellerName, domainName and customerName.

You can review the changes immediately in the example e-mails below the form. If everything is according to your wishes, press the Save button. Your customers will now receive the personalized white label e-mails.

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