Where to find the private key of my SSL certificate?
What to do if I lost the private key?
All SSL certificates require a private key during installation. This private key is a separate file that’s generated when you request your certificate with a Certificate Signing Request (CSR).
This private key will not be stored in Openprovider database, therefore, once lost or forgotten, it is not possible to retrieve this key again via Openprovider.
We advise you to store the private key in a location where you can easily locate it again, once you are ready to install your SSL certificate on your server.
In case you generate the CSR for the certificate in the Openprovider SSL Panel, you will be asked to confirm that you have stored the private key.
What to do if one lost the private key
In some cases when the SSL certificate was already installed (in case of renewal) the private key will already be located on your server. If your SSL certificate was renewed for a new period and the CSR did not change, the private key is already stored in the server and installation of the new certificate would not give problems.
In case it is a new certificate or the private key is no longer in the server or lost / forgotten, the only option is to reissue (not renew) the SSL certificate.
During the reissue, you can connect a new CSR with a new private key to the SSL certificate. Once the reissue is issued, you can install this SSL certificate with the private key (which you stored on a safe place) on your server.
A reissue is free of charge.