My SSL suddenly become revoked


My SSL certificate from Openprovider become revoked unexpectedly. What is the reason for that?


The private key of the SSL certificate is data that is top-sensitive and has to be safely stored on a customer's end, cause leak may lead to traffic decryption.
Comodo agents constantly monitoring the safety of keys storage.
If the leak is detected then the certificate appears in the "Revoked" list immediately for safety reasons.
Usually, leak reason is when the customer's server has been hacked or customer published public key somewhere in open sources by mistake or intentionally.
On the host end, the certificate becomes revoked only after a few days of the revocation for most browsers.
You can check if your private key discosed or not here (the real example of a leaked key).

In case such a situation happened, follow a few recommendations:
1. Keep calm ;
2. Contact and describe the situation ;
3. Depending on every single case individually, Comodo may offer free replacement of the certificate. Depending on circumstances you may be refunded and order a new certificate ;
4. Re-install certificate according to our guides ;

Please always remember that the safety of your website is also partially in your hands.
Never share a private key with anyone and store it in a safe place.

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