What is the meaning of all SSL Panel statuses?
There are few statuses available in "Certificate history" block in the right side of an order in SSL Panel.
After order has been created then following statuses are possible:
- Open
- Requested
- Active
- Rejected
- Revoked
- Expired.
Please refer to table below describing what each status does mean.
Status | Description |
Open | Order is created but does not sent to CA for review. You can change CSR and other information such as requester, company etc. If it is OV/EV certificate with .nl common name and Dutch company then prevalidation is performed. If it fails certificate stays in the status "Open" with marked arrow "Requested". |
Requested | When request is sent to the Certification Authority certificate is moved to the status "Requested" with marked arrow "Requested". You can also check when it was requested. If the customer has requested Cancellation from this status first it stays in the same "Requested" status with marked "Cancel" arrow. That means we have sent the cancel request to the CA and now we are waiting when they will cancel certificate to get "Cancel" status from CA. We can't influence process: from Comodo, we will get webhook message once it is done. This status corresponds to the "REJ" (Rejected) status in Openprovider. |
Active | When certificate is activated (we get status from CA) it is moved to the status "Active". For the "Cancellation" from "Active" status the same logic is applied as for cancellation from "Requested" status - we send cancel request to the CA and mark arrow "Cancel" on the workflow (in Openprovider it corresponds to "REJ" - Rejected status): |
Rejected | Once we get from CA that certificate is canceled it is moved to the status "Rejected" (corresponds to the "FAI" Failed status in Openprovider). Order set to the "Closed" status and then actions are available: |
Revoked | Once certificate is canceled in CA it is moved to the "Revoked" status ("FAI" - Failed, in Openprovider). |
Expired | Once a certificate expires it is moved to the "Expired" status. |