See the following list of documents that Openprovider accepts as proof of identity and entity for some of the countries the Openprovider supports. Please, if you are trying to validate data from a country that you can not find here, contact the support team on
Individual identity documents
- Paspoort / Passeport / Reisepass (Passport)
- Rijbewijs / Permis de conduire / Führerschein (Driver's license) - Front and back scans required
- Elektronische identiteitskaart / Carte d'identité / eID (Identity card) - Front and back scans required
- Elektronische vreemdelingenkaart / Carte d’identité d’étranger / Elektronische Ausländerkarte (Identity card for foreigners) - Front and back scans required
- Verblijfsvergunning / Permis de résidence / Aufenthaltsgenehmigung (Residence permit) - creado en los últimos 12 meses
Company / entity documents
- Btw-registratie / Immatriculation à la TVA / MWST-Identifikation (VAT Registration)
- Un extrait de la Banque-Carrefour des Entreprises (BCE) / Inschrijving in de Kruispuntbank van Ondernemingen (KBO) / Eintragung in die Zentrale Datenbank der Unternehmen (ZDU) (Commercial register extract)
- Un extrait de la Banque-Carrefour des Entreprises (BCE)/Inschrijving in de Kruispuntbank van Ondernemingen (KBO)/ Eintragung in die Zentrale Datenbank der Unternehmen (ZDU) (Commercial register extract)
- Statuten / Statuts / Satzung (Articles of Incorporation)
- Kopie van publicatie in de Bijlagen tot het Belgisch Staatsblad / Copie des annexes publiées dans le registre officiel belge / Ausfertigung zur Veröffentlichung in den Anlagen zum Belgischen Staatsblatt (Copy of appendices published in the official Belgian register)
- Financiële staten / États financiers / Jahresabschluss (Financial statements)
Individual identity documents
- Passeport (Passport)
- Permis de conduire (Driver's license) - Front and back scans required
- Carte d'identité (Identity card) - Front and back scans required
- Carte Vitale avec photo (Health insurance card)
- Carte d'identité avec photographie délivrée par les autorités militaires (Military identity card)
- Carte d'identité de parlementaire (Parliamentary identity card)
- Carte d'identité d'élu local (Elected official identity card)
- Carte du combattant avec photographie (Veteran's identity card)
Company / entity documents
- VAT Registration
- Comptes annuels (Financial statements)
- Extrait K, L, Kbis ou Lbis (Commercial register extract)
- Extrait d'immatriculation D1 (Artisan register extract)
- Avis de situation au répertoire Sirene (Siren register extract)
- Lettre de confirmation de numéro SIREN délivrée par l'Urssaf (Siren number confirmation)
- Statuts de l'entreprise (Articles of incorporation)
- Statuts de l'Association (Articles of Association – only acceptable for non-profits)
- Attestation d'Immatriculation (Attestation d'Immatriculation (not expired)) - created in the last 12 months
- - Parution dans le Journal Officiel (Extract from the Official Gazette – only acceptable for non-profits)
Individual identity documents
- Reisepass (Passport)
- Führerschein (Driver's license) - Front and back scans required
- Personalausweis (Identity card) - Front and back scans required
- Aufenthaltstitel (Residence permit) - Front and back scans required
Company / entity documents
- USt-Registrierung (VAT Registration)
- Gewerbeanmeldung (Trade registration)
- Gewerbeschein (Trade license)
- Freistellungsbescheid
- Handelsregisterauszug (Commercial register extract)
- Vereinsregisterauszug (Register of Associations Extract)
- Jahresabschluss (Financial statements)
Individual identity documents
- - Passport
- - Individual PAN card
Company / entity documents
Acceptable ways to verify legal entity for businesses:
- Entity PAN card
Acceptable ways to verify legal entity for limited liability companies:
- Entity PAN card
Acceptable ways to verify legal entity for sole proprietorships:
- Registration certificate
- Registration Certificate of Establishment
- Certificate or registration document issued by the sales tax, service tax, or professional tax authorities
- License or certificate of practice issued in the name of the proprietary concern by any professional body incorporated under a statute
- CST/VAT certificate
- GST certificate
- Sales tax return
- Income tax return
The Netherlands
Individual identity documents
- paspoort (Passport)
- rijbewijs (Driver license) - Front and back scans required
- nationaal ID-bewijs (National ID) - Front and back scans required
- verblijfsvergunning (Resident permit ID)
- Nederlands vreemdelingendocument (Dutch aliens document)
Company / entity documents
- btw-registratie (VAT Registration)
- uittreksel Kamer van Koophandel (Company registration certificate)
- statuten (By-laws memorandum)
Individual identity documents
- Pasaporte (Passport)
- Permiso de conducir (Driver license)
- Documento nacional de identidad (DNI) (National ID) - Front and back scans required
- Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero Card (Resident permit ID)
Company / entity documents
- VAT Registration
- Documento acreditativo del NIF (NIF document)
- Escritura de constitución (Company registration certificate)
United Kingdom
Individual identity documents
- Passport
- Driver license
- Resident permit - Front and back scans required
- Citizen Card
- Electoral ID
Company / entity documents
- VAT Registration
- Certificate of Incorporation
- Companies House Document
- HM Revenue and Customs: VAT Certificate
- HM Revenue and Customs: Account Statement
- Charity Commission Document
- OSCR Scottish Charity Regulator
United States
Individual identity documents
- Passport
- Passport card
- Driver license
- State issued ID card
- Resident permit ID / U.S. Green Card
- Border crossing card
- Child ID card
- NYC card
- U.S. visa card
Company / entity documents
- IRS Letter 147C
- IRS SS-4 confirmation letter