EURid: Taking over complete or partial account

How to initiate a bulk transfer of .eu domain names

Advantages of using the registry bulk transfer option:

  • all domains are moved at once
  • all handles are created automatically
  • nameserver settings are copied
  • expiration date stays unchanged
  • transfer codes are not required
  • can be used when you have an own registrar account or via a third party (partial transfer)


  • A completed and signed bulk transfer form. Please fill in your registrar ID, registrar name and address and sign the form.

  • A copy of the note that you sent or will send to your customers about this change, if this is different from the example text that is included on the second page of the bulk transfer form. See further down in this article for the requirements to such text.
  • In case of a partial take-over, a list of domains to transfer, both as signed PDF and as plain text list.

  • In case of a partial take-over, when sending those documents to Openprovider, please inform us that you are aware of and approve the costs of the bulk transfer (see below).
  • In case of a full take-over, be sure to send a termination request to EURid as well; only then, the full bulk transfer will be free of charge. You may send this form to us as well, so that we can send it to the registry together with the other documents.

When planning the bulk transfer, note that you need to plan at least 3-5 days in advance, and the registry does not support bulk transfers on the first or last day of the month.


After receipt of the required documents and information, Openprovider will schedule the transfer together with the registry. Normally this can be scheduled within a week. The transfer will be completed by Openprovider and the registry, no further action from your side is required.

After the transfer has finished, the domains, contacts* and nameservers have been imported into your Openprovider account. From that moment on, you can manage your .eu domains through Openprovider.

Depending on the number of domains of the take-over, the import into Openprovider may take up to a couple of hours. That means that any updates must wait until the domain is in Openprovider. In case of urgent updates, we are able to assist you of course!


A EURid bulk transfer is free of charge, unless the registrar account is not terminated. Any additional customisations by Openprovider may be charged. A special quote will be made.

In case of a partial take-over the costs are € 0,25 per domain name, with a minimum of € 500. This is similar to the price that the registry charges to Openprovider.

In other words: if you transfer 2.000 domains or less, the price will be € 500. If you transfer more than 2.000 domains, the price will be the number of domains times € 0,25. For example, for a transfer of 10.000 domains, the price is € 2.500.

But even for a small portfolio € 500 might be considerable, as it will save you a lot of manual effort and time: creation of contacts, retrieving the one-time authorization codes, starting the transfers, loss of registration period, et cetera.

All prices mentioned are excluding VAT.

Example notification to domain holders

Often, the notification sent to domain holders is based upon the following example. This notification can be sent personally by e-mail, or included in a newsletter. The registry requires that domain holders are informed, but does not define the method of communication.

Example notification text: To simplify our administration and optimise our service to our customers, we will change the registrar of your .eu domain(s). You will not notice anything from this change: your domain name will continue to function as it always did, the expiration date remains unchanged and no costs apply to this change. If you want to transfer your domain(s) to another registrar, you can do so at any moment. However, the new registrar will charge for such a transfer.

Deleted and quarantined domains

Domains for which a deletion date in the future was set or domains that are in quarantine are handled in a special way:

  • Quarantined domains are migrated to Openprovider's registry account, but we do not import them into your account. If you want to restore a domain from quarantine which was not imported, please contact our support department. The regular reactivation costs apply.
  • If you have set a deletion date for a domain name, Openprovider will remove that deletion date. The domain will autorenew at its expiration date. If you want to cancel such domain registration, set auto-renew to off for this domain.

Terminating your EURid account

You probably want to terminate your EURid account after the migration. 

In order finalize the termination EURid asks the registrar to confirm the security code which was sent to you upon accreditation. The security code is 12 digits long and looks like XXXX-XXXX-XXXX. This is the final security step to terminating the account.

If you do not have this security code, please contact your EURid account manager.


* All contacts, nameserver and DNSSEC data are copied, with one exception: the "whois e-mail address", the address that can optionally be assigned to a registrant object and which will be published in the whois, instead of the real registrant address. You will need to update these data after the import has been completed.

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