Working with tags - tagging customers

Some of the features of Openprovider can be configured in such a way, that different (groups of) customers are treated in their own special way. The basis of this functionality are the so-called tags.

A tag marks an object (for example a customer object) with a special value. Some examples include:

  • Collect your most valuable customers under one tag:
    • valued-customer
    • even-more-valued-customer
  • Collect the customers of your different brands under a couple of tags:
    • My Brand A
    • My Brand B
    • My Brand C
  • Collect the customers of each of your resellers under their specific tag:
    • Reseller A
    • Reseller B
    • Reseller C

But you're completely free in defining this: you could even group all your customers by the color of their car, although the use of that could be limited!

Defining the tags

Start by defining the different tags that you want to use by opening AccountSettings > Tag management. This example will define two reseller-based tags:



Assign tags to a customer

Now it's time to assign your valued customers their right tags. Do this at the time of new customer creation, or search an existing customer and update its data. This example shows the location when creating a new customer object:


Creating a custom e-mail template

Now it is time to compose your customized e-mail templates. In this example, we will show you two separate templates for your two resellers. You can fully personalize each of them, with their own e-mail addresses, subjects, bodies - everything. Note that a different article in this knowledge base describes the technical part of the customization.



The end result, shown in the last image, is the following:

  • Any customer tagged Reseller A will receive one of the customized 'reseller A' templates, based on his language. If the language is not set, it will be selected based on the country code. If the language is not in the list, it will default to the Dutch version (you can select any template as default).
  • Any customer tagged Reseller B will receive one of the customized 'reseller B' templates, based on his language. If the language is not set, it will be selected based on the country code. If the language is not in the list, it will default to the Dutch version (you can select any template as default).

If you want to create a lot of different tags and templates, the API might be useful! Refer to the emailTemplates and tag modules,

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