What information is required for a Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) registration?
The Trademark Clearinghouse requires the following data:
- Name of the mark
- Registration number and registration date
- Jurisdiction
- Description of goods and services class
- Detailed description of goods and services*
- Status of the Trademark Holder (owner/licensee/assignee)
- Organization (in case of company/organization) or full name (in case of individual)
- Address of the Trademark Holder
- Contact information of the Trademark Holder
The following data is optional:
- Application number
- Application date
- Expiration date
If you want to apply for Sunrise services or Claims notification, you also need:
* The detailed description of goods and services should be in the language as on the trademark certificate. If sub classes have been excluded, they need to be put between square brackets ( [...] ).