Can I register my company name in the Sunrise?
Yes, as long as your company name is a registered trademark and the registrant meets the registry's eligibility criteria. The Sunrise phase only accepts domain names that are identical matches of a trademark.
- Validated trademark: do you have a trademark and is that trademark validated by the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH)? Then you can register your domain in Sunrise using the SMD file (Signed Mark Data) that you have received from your TMCH agent.
- Non-validated trademark: do you have a trademark but was that trademark not yet validated by the TMCH? Then first order a TMCH validation through Openprovider and use the SMD file to order your domain in Sunrise. Note that validation of your trademark can take up to a week, so start your validation and registration request timely.
- The name includes my trademark: if the intended domain name is not an exact match of your trademark, but rather includes it (e.g. "" if your trademark is "Apple"), then you cannot register your domain in Sunrise.
- No trademark: if your company name is no trademark, you cannot register your domain in the Sunrise phase.
If your domain name is not eligible for Sunrise but meets the registry's eligibility requirements, then you can register your domain in one of the phases following the Sunrise phase. Refer to the launch calendar to investigate your options. You may be able to register the domain in Landrush or Early Access Program phases.
You can also submit your domain as a pre-registration. Openprovider will then send your application to the registry as soon as the General Availability opens.