What are domain aliases in SpamExperts?


What are domain aliases in SpamExperts?


You can configure an unlimited number of domain aliases for a domain filter. All email traffic sent to these aliases will be filtered. Spam messages will stay quarantined in SpamExperts, and all legitimate email will be delivered to the main domain.

Domain aliases do not have separate access to the Domain Level Control Panel. Since all SMTP traffic to the domain alias is rewritten to the main domain, any changes/lookups on the main domain will simply include the alias domain traffic as if it was sent directly to the main domain. If you are searching for a specific email sent to a domain alias using the Log Search, the recipient will therefore show as user@maindomain.

Note: When adding a domain alias, the MX-records are not updated automatically and have to be set manually to the same MX-records as the main domain.

Example case:

  • You configured the filter for example.com, using mail server mail.example.com

  • For this domain, you add otherdomain.com as an alias

  • An email sent to info@otherdomain.com will be examined by SpamExperts filter and delivered to info@example.com

  • The To field in the email header will show the original e-mail address


Domain aliases do not have separate access to the Domain Level Control Panel.

Since all SMTP traffic to the domain alias is rewritten to the main domain, any changes/lookups on the main domain will simply include the alias domain traffic as if it was sent directly to the main domain.

If you are searching for a specific email sent to a domain alias using the Log Search, the recipient will therefore show as user@maindomain.

Note: When adding a domain alias, the MX-records are not updated automatically and have to be set manually to the same MX-records as the main domain.


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