Upcoming price changesCheck the newsfeed in the control panel for an overview of upcoming domain price changes. You can find the newsfeed in the top right corner of the control panel. |
New prices for PleskOpenprovider is proud to offer the most competitive prices for Plesk on the market. On January 1, 2024, some of our prices changed. Click here to see an overview of all new prices for Plesk licenses. You can find the specific prices for your Plesk add-ons in the control panel - although the majority of our prices for Plesk add-ons have stayed the same or have even decreased.
Are you not using Plesk yet? If you run a company in hosting or web development, there is no reason why you shouldn't! We have rounded up four reasons why Plesk is the best control panel for VPS hosting - go to our blog to see them all! |
Save the date: EasyDMARC webinar on January 16th!We are back with a new Member Webinar. This time, we are diving deep into EasyDMARC and how this product can help your customers comply with Google and Yahoo’s new bulk email policies, which will come into effect in February 2024.
Join us to learn all about email security and deliverability in the current landscape - including a live product demo, talks by EasyDMARC product experts, and real-life customer success stories.
The webinar will take place on January 16th from 10.00 until 10.45 CET. Click here to reserve your spot! |