Email Auto-Renewal Explanation

At our email service, we have a unique approach to account renewal. While we do not provide an explicit auto-renewal option, all email accounts are automatically renewed. This decision has been implemented to safeguard your valuable emails and prevent any loss of data.

Why Auto-Renewal Is Implemented:

  • Preservation of Emails: Non-renewal of your email account may result in the potential loss of critical emails and data.
  • User Convenience: To ensure uninterrupted access and continuous service without the risk of email loss, automatic renewal has been enabled for all accounts.

How Auto-Renewal Works:

  • Automatic Renewal: Your email account is set to automatically renew to prevent any service disruption.
  • Cancellation Process: Should you wish to discontinue the service or prevent the account from renewing, you can easily do so by following these steps:
    • Navigate to the "Email Accounts" section within your account dashboard.
    • Find the specific email account you wish to cancel.
    • Click on the Delete button (trash icon) associated with that specific email account.


  • No Charges Upon Cancellation: Deleting your email account also removes the associated order, ensuring you won't be charged for the upcoming renewal period.
  • Data Backup Recommendation: Before deleting your email account, ensure that you've backed up any crucial data to prevent the loss of important information.
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