SSL Panel end users access


How to provide access to SSL Panel to an end-user?


One can do so by generating and providing links including secret tokens

You can reduce the support load for SSL certificate operations, by allowing the SSL Panel to guide your customers through the issuing process. The SSL Panel‘s URL is brand neutral and there is no mention of Openprovider anywhere in the user interface.
Present yourself as an independent provider to your customers.

The SSL purchasing process has two parts:

  • ordering in your billing solution ;
  • issuing through the SSL Panel ;

Functionality for user

  1. Edit contact data inside an open certificate ;
  2. Request a certificate ;
  3. Choose DV (domain validation) method ;
  4. Change confirmation email address ;
  5. Resend confirmation email ;

Functionality for reseller (hidden from user)

  1. Cancel a certificate, so another one can be requested using the same order ;
  2. Cancel order ;
  3. Paid or billing operations such as Reissue or Renew ;
  4. Chat with CA ;

Providing user access via API

  1. Get a temporary token for a particular SSL certificate order in the SSL Panel via the method - createOtpToken ;
  2. Use the token and the URL from the response, you can generate a final URL for end user access using this format:<token from createOtpToken request> ;

Multi-language support for users

The SSL Panel interface currently supports languages: English, Russian, Spanish, Dutch, Ukrainian.

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